We are here to help during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Why You Must Have Car Insurance
Ministerio de trabajo.
What is an ERTE?
Why You Must Have Car Insurance
Ministerio de trabajo.
What is an ERTE?

During this hugely challenging time, The Insurance Centre remains open and continues to be totally committed to offering customers a range of comprehensive insurance policies that will offer immediate cover, including our health insurance which will insure for Covid-19 treatment and hospitalization.

Covid-19 figures are increasing daily and the situation has not yet peaked. Today’s figures are:

  • 85.915 people infected
  • 7.340 people have died
  • 16.780 people have been cured

New Legislation for Insurance Companies

As the Spanish Government conduct their daily meetings and decide on further emergency measures to slow down the transmission of the virus, a BOE (Boletin Oficial del Estado) is issued which confirms the new laws all Spanish citizens have to follow during the Covid-19 Crisis.

On one of latest BOE´s issued focuses on Insurance Companies. Insurance companies are one of the businesses who have to remain open, and by this we mean our service needs to remain available to customers who need emergency or urgent insurance cover during this difficult time.

Spanish residents are still required to have adequate health, car and building insurance, and in these uncertain times, having comprenhensive insurance in place has never been more important.

The Impact of Covid-19 on the NHS Service

The Coronvirus has collapsed the NHS service here in Spain, and it is going to take time to recover once this is all over.

The NHS will need more funding, but the question is – will funding be readily available once we reach the period of recovery? Should the huge cash injection it will likely need not be immediately available, the sad reality is that we will be looking at longer NHS waiting times for appointments and operations for many months to come.

Taking out private medical insurance will ensure your medical issues are dealt with immediately, including if you need treatment for Covid-19. You won’t have to join the long queues, you won’t have to pay astronomical hospital bills.

You will be able to call the helpline and have a consultation with an English-speaking Doctor as soon as your policy is activated and get the help you need immediately.

Funeral costs can also be covered

Covid-19 is taking the lives of so many people it is heart-breaking. Sadly, insurance for funeral costs is something we should all now be considering if we don’t want to leave our loved ones struggling to cope with the financial burden.

A Funeral Insurance Policy will cover the immediate funeral expenses and take care of all the necessary arrangements that are involved with a funeral.

Get Your Free Spanish Will Today

Another important consideration at a time when we see such high daily death rates is the writing of a Will. Have you considered taking out a Will to protect your rights and your assets? By taking out the funeral insurance policy you will be eligible to receive a FREE Spanish Will that will express your final wishes.

During these unprecedented times, it is wise for all of us to start planning for the unthinkable. No one predicted this world-wide health and economic crisis 6 months ago. Every single person has been touched by this one way or another. Our lives have changed in a way we could never have foreseen. Our insurance policies have been written to protect you and help reduce the financial burden a crisis such as Covid-19 can cause.

We are here to help you find the best insurance policy to cover your needs now, and in the future.


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