Funeral Plans Spain

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Why you should consider getting a funeral plan in Spain.

We never like talking about those final moments but sadly, it will happen to all of us at some point in time. Of course, we all hope that point to a long way in the future. Nevertheless, even if it is many years into the future, without the necessary provisions, a funeral could become a massive financial burden for your loved ones.

Mostly, they will want to give you the best send-off they could possibly, but with so many costs involved, it can soon add up to a fairly hefty sum. There are many great things about living in Spain and most of the time it really is like living the dream. However, one thing that seems to be annoy most of us is the unnecessary paper work and procedures that we have to go through from time to time. Unfortunately, dyeing is one of them.

According to Spanish law, if a person dies the Civil Guard must be contacted as well as a doctor, who can provide a temporary death certificate. At this point either of these parties will then get in touch with a funeral director so that the deceased person can be removed from the premises.

This is the point at which you need to pay attention. Local funeral directors rarely speak great English and, if you are not fluent in Spanish, there can be some misunderstandings when it comes to costs. They will request a release form and if you are not fully furnished with all the costs involved at this point, and afterwards, you could end up incurring many unnecessary fees, which can often be high.

Funeral Plans in Spain

One very popular way to address the potential costs of a funeral is to take up one of the different funeral plans on offer in Spain, to ensure there are enough funds available for your own funeral. Here at The Insurance Center we have a range of different funeral plan options to allow you to basically pre-pay your funeral costs.

At the sad time it is necessary to put things in motion, if you have a funeral plan in Spain, those companies will make all the necessary arrangements and help you deal with all the relevant authorities, allowing you to grieve in peace without the worry and stress of paying for it

Not having a funeral plan in Spain can easily lead to lots of stress around an already upsetting time. For example, most funerals in Spain will take place anywhere between 24 hours and 48 hours of death (providing there are no suspicious or unusual circumstances). Spanish law can often mean that as soon as someone is declared deceased, their bank accounts can be temporarily frozen.

Why not get in touch with us now to discuss the different Spanish funeral plans of offer and help ensure that your loved ones are not left with any additional stress at the time of your departure.

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