Security Tips for Christmas

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Christmas is the time of good cheer. It is a time when families eat together to enjoy each other’s company, eat too much food and play games. Of course, a big part of Christmas is about giving and receiving gifts, and in our modern age, some of these presents are like iPads, new Play Stations and expensive jewelery. It is a thrill to receive such wonderful presents, and to show them off to as many people as we can.

These days we upload our wonderful gifts to social media so the world can see how generous our friends and family have been.

That is the lovely side of the festive season and exactly how it should be. But let’s take a look at the dark side.

Christmas is also a great time for thieves!

There are lots of opportunities for these nasty people to spoil your Christmas and steal all of your gifts. These thieves have become more advanced in finding their targets. Following people on places like Facebook can instantly alert them to you all leaving your home unattended thanks to that post you just put up “off to see the parents for Boxing Day, only a 2 hour drive but what fun we shall have”

These thieves now know you have left your house and that you will be away for some time. Looking through your timeline they can work out pretty much where you live and once in your street, these eagle thieves will be able to identify your home.

The rest as they say is history (along with all your lovely Christmas presents)!

So here are some important tips to help protect you this Christmas. Nothing is failsafe but at least you can make it more difficult.

1 This is probably one of the most important elements. Make sure you have up to date house contents insurance. In the worst-case scenario that you are robbed, at least you can claim for many of the items.

2 Do not post messages on social media stating you are about to leave your home or spending a few days somewhere else. We all love to share our lives on places like Facebook but over Christmas, this could be more dangerous.

3 You can purchase very cheaply these days to plug timer so why not program one to turn on a lamp or two when it gets dark to make it look as if someone is in.

4 Make sure you have additional security measures like window locks, bars on ground floor windows and a modern lock on your front door.

While these measures will not guarantee you are not broken in, at least you are doing something to put them off choosing your house to burgle.

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