What to do if my flight is cancelled or denied boarding?

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It is that time of year again and with us all taking are well earned holidays here is some information on two points which we don´t want happening to us !

What do I do if I am denied boarding?

If the airline denies us boarding despite arriving on time at the gate and without a reasonable cause for such denial (health, safety, or failure to present necessary documentation), two circumstances may arise:

  1. We may voluntarily accept the compensation offered by the airline for not boarding. In this case, in addition to any benefits they may have offered, we have the right to request rebooking on another flight that allows us to reach our destination as soon as possible or a full refund of the ticket cost within 7 days if we decide not to travel.
  1. If we do not reach an agreement and are denied boarding against our will, we have the right to obtain a refund or alternative transportation to our destination. We are also entitled to receive financial compensation ranging from €250 to €600, depending on the flight distance. This amount may be reduced by 50% based on the arrival time at the destination airport.

What do I do if my flight is cancelled?

If our scheduled flight is cancelled the following is applicable: 

Right to Information

The airline must provide us with a document indicating our rights.

Right to Care

While we wait for the alternative flight offered, the airline must provide us with sufficient food and drink, two phone calls or access to email, hotel accommodation if an overnight stay is necessary, and transportation between the airport and the hotel.

Right to Refund or Alternative Transportation

We have the right to be rebooked on another flight that allows us to reach our destination or to obtain a refund of the ticket cost within 7 days if we decide not to travel.

Right to Compensation

We are entitled to receive financial compensation ranging from €250 to €600 depending on the flight distance, which may be reduced by 50% based on the arrival time at the destination airport.

Purchase Travel Insurance

Be sure to protect your vacation and travel worry-free with our travel insurance in Spain. With our coverage, you’ll be backed up in case of denied boarding, flight cancellations, and other unforeseen events that may arise.

Don’t let unexpected problems ruin your trip. Take out our travel insurance today and travel with the peace of mind of knowing you are covered.

Take out your policy now and enjoy your vacation without unpleasant surprises!

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