What information will be mandatory for making a booking in Spain? 

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Booking a Hotel or renting a car or house in Spain , you need to know this information ! 

Did you know that when renting a house, hotel or a car in Spain, you will need to provide according to Spanish law all the following information as listed below. 

As from December 2nd, 2024, all individuals using accommodation services or car rentals will have to provide up to 18 new facts about themselves during the reservation process. 

What information will be mandatory for making a booking? 

Personal Information: 

  • Name and surname 
  • Identification document (DNI, NIE, or passport) 
  • Date of birth 
  • Relationship (if under 14 years old) 
  • Number of travellers and their relationship to each other 
  • Information re your address and contact details for notifications: 

Our address, postal code, municipality, phone number, mobile number, and email Reservation details and payment methods: 

Reservation details: 

  • Contract date 
  • Check-in date 
  • Check-out date 
  • Payment type 
  • Card number 
  • Payment date 
  • Card expiration date 

Hotels, Airbnb, house rental and car hire companies are now legally obliged to report this information to the police. Failure to send this data by these establishments will result in fines ranging from 100 euros to 30,000 euros and this is applicable throughout Spain thus making Spain the country that requires the most information when carrying out any of the above.

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